About Remedial Education

Remedial education is additional instruction provided to students who are struggling with academic concepts and skills. It is designed to help children who are falling behind in their academic progress catch up to their peers.


There are many reasons a child may benefit from remedial education. Some children may struggle with learning barriers such as dyslexia, attention deficit disorder (ADD), or other learning disabilities that make it difficult for them to learn in a traditional classroom setting. Others may have missed important foundational concepts in their education due to absences, frequent moves, or other factors.


Remedial education can help these children by providing them with extra support and instruction tailored to their specific needs. For example, a child with dyslexia may benefit from specialized reading instruction, while a child who has missed foundational concepts in math may need additional support in that subject area.


Overall, remedial education is an important tool for ensuring that all children have an equal opportunity to succeed academically, regardless of any learning barriers or other challenges they may face.